Muslims in France are waging an “intifada”

That’s the view of none other than the French police, who a year ago were denying that the banlieu riots had anything to do with Islam, but who today are requesting armored cars to make it possible for officers safely to enter the banlieus. Obviously the cause of this intifada is France’s unjust and oppressive control of the occupied territories—meaning the area between the Pyrenees and the Loire that was briefly overrun by the Arab and Moorish army in 732, before Charles Martel drove them back. Will the French, in looking for ways to end this intifada, swallow the same medicine they’ve been obnoxiously urging on Israel for all these years—the instant transfer of the “occupied territories” to the Muslims? Or will they finally start to wake up to reality?

Meanwhile, there have been three nights of rioting between Muslims and whites in Windsor, England, the town 20 miles west of London which is the location of Windsor Castle, where Queen Elizabeth recently created a Muslim prayer room for one of her employees. The BBC story linked above is very poor. I am informed by a reader in England that that a building bought by Moslems from Express Dairies is to be turned into a mosque, and whites charge that some Asians have been excluding white people from the road close by which is public territory. This has sparked off riots for three nights.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 06, 2006 09:14 AM | Send

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