The true extent of Eurabia

Just as it is impossible for President Bush to support genuine border control, because he has already committed the U.S. to the creation of the Security and Prosperity Zone of North America which involves the practical erasure of America’s borders with Mexico and Canada (it was political defeat and political compulsion, not choice, that made him sign the bill for the 700 mile border fence), in the same way, it is impossible for the political leadership of Europe to support genuine moves to defend Europe from Islam, because the EU is already institutionally committed to the Islamization of Europe.

Here is Fjordman’s latest on this subject. (If, like me, you find Dhimmi Watch’s “guest blogger” font too small and light to read comfortably, I recommend copying the text into Word and reformating it with a different font.) In a cover note, Fjordman writes:

I know I shouldn’t be surprised, but I still am. The more I dig into the material about Eurabia, the more shocked I get at discovering ust how extensive and elaborate the Eurabian networks are. It says quite openly in several documents that are publicly available that EU authorities are working to create a “new entity” consisting of the European Union and the Arab world. This includes establishing a free trade zone with these countries. That may sound innocent, but it entails extending the so-called four freedoms of the EU, among them the free movement of people across national borders, to Arab countries.

In 2004, the Euro-Arab Dialogue even established a Parliament, with consultative powers over the internal affairs of the European Union, where “parliamentarians” from Arab dictatorships are given equal numbers and importance as parliamentarians from Europe. I had never even heard of this institution until a couple of days ago, when I found it by accident during an Internet search, although it is apparently going to influence the future of my entire continent.

There has been no public debate about this in European media.

I have also found many quotes in documents about a complete re-writing of European history books to “remove negative stereotypes” about Arabs and Muslims. I suppose that includes any mentioning of the 1300 years of continuous Jihad warfare against Europe, the apartheid regime for Christians in Spain and the Balkans, or the more than one million European slaves that were captured by Arabs. The Arabs “just gave Europe the Renaissance.”

One specific document talked about “the harmonization of education” between Europe and the Arab world. What does that mean? And how come virtually no journalists write about Eurabia, while they write page after page about Guantanamo Bay or the wickedness of the United States?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 06, 2006 08:28 AM | Send

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