Tribute to the dead of 9/11

Here is a moving tribute to the victims of the September 11th attack. 2,996 bloggers have each been assigned one of the victims to memorialize. Of course the New York Times ran a capsule profile of each of the victims back in 2001, a project that went on for weeks or months, and it was the finest thing the Times ever did, with none of the Times’ usual sick and nihilistic attitudes, but just finding a decent way in a couple of paragraphs to capture something of the individuality of each person who died. Somehow that effort to make contact seems more moving now, with one blogger writing about each victim. One thing that stood out then, and stands out now, is how each of the dead (like Brandon J. Buchanan, 24, who worked at Cantor Fitzgerald) seemed like an “up,” happy person who loved life (not like the men who murdered them), almost as if each of them had been chosen for that reason for this death.

Here is a 9/11 tribute from a year ago, to the people who jumped.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 11, 2006 01:50 AM | Send

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