The Path to 9/11

I ended up watching most of the first episode of “The Path to 9/11,” and despite the jerky hand-held camera, one of the curses of contemporary cinema, it was surprisingly good, especially the sequences in Pakistan where Ramzi Yousseff is arrested and the scenes in the incredible desert country of Afghanistan. (I still can’t figure what the people of Afghanistan live on—every image I’ve seen of that country is either mountains or desert.) The Muslim characters are vivid and played in a non-stereotypical manner, and Harvey Keitel makes a good anchor of the film as FBI agent John O’Neil. While the script doesn’t go into any depth on the motives and thinking of the Clinton administration, it is nevertheless astonishing and refreshing to see their indifference and passivity (fueled at bottom, I believe, by anti-Americanism) portrayed without make-up. That’s got to be a tv and Hollywood first.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 10, 2006 11:27 PM | Send

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