Muslim immigration recovers from 9/11

After a slowdown following the 9/11 attack, Muslim immigration to the U.S. has rebounded, happily reports the New York Times, which is always happy to report anything that spells the doom of America. In 2005, 96,000 people from Muslim countries became legal permanent residents, more than in any year in the last 20 years. That doesn’t include Muslims coming from Europe.

At the same time, according to CBS News, thousands of students from Saudi Arabia—the country of most of the 9/11 hijackers—are enrolling in U.S. colleges under a program agreed to by President Bush and Saudi King Abdullah. By the end of the present school year, the number of Saudi students in the U.S. will have quintupled.

Never in human history has a country declared war against the extremist core of an alien belief system, while continuing to allow the followers of that same belief system to immigrate en masse into the country, as well as to study and travel in the country. The dichotomy in our minds on this point is total, absolute. As Ralph Peters put it, he reviles Muslim radicals and wants to kill as many of them as possible, while all other Muslims are fine people and anyone who says anything against them is a Nazi.

Can you imagine the contempt that our continuing openness to them must inspire in them toward us?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 09, 2006 02:44 PM | Send

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