The never-ending search for a solution to the Islam problem

At The Corner, Richard Lowry quotes an article about Gen. Abizaid which says he has moved away from democracy-building in Iraq to a greater emphasis on stability and security and on reaching an accommodation with Muslim radicals. So, democracy to end Muslim radicalism has been replaced by getting along with Muslim radicals. I wonder if Bush’s commentariat has gotten the news so that they can change the designated key in their computer keyboards which types, “We’ve tried coddling despots, and it resulted in 9/11, so democracy to replace Islamic Fascism is the only solution, there is no other way, this is the commitment of our generation, this is the supreme ideological struggle of the 21st century, freedom, freedom, freedom,” and replaced it by the new line being laid out by Abizaid.

But then Abizaid goes beyond the specific Iraq situation and turns to the subject of the Horn of Africa and of the broader Muslim world as well:

“I just think we’ve got to reform our structures, our authorities and our thinking to deal with the way the world is moving. You just can’t let these places deteriorate … unless you are willing to accept what they bring you—terrorism and crime.”

Reader Mark G. writes: “Analysis and solution of a top Bush general: What causes terrorism? Poverty! Solution? Put them on welfare!”

See? Someone always has the solution to the Islam problem. The Islam problem is caused by Israeli occupation, so a Palestinian state is the solution. The Islam problem is caused by despotism which creates Islamic radicalism, and so spreading democracy in Muslim countries is the solution. The Islam problem is caused by poverty and backwardness, and so developmental assistance to Muslims is the solution. The Islam problem is caused by American intervention in the Mideast, and so American withdrawal from the Mideast is the solution. And so it will continue, with solution A being rolled out with fanfare and tried and found wanting and replaced by solution B, which will be rolled out with fanfare and tried and found wanting and replaced by solution C, which will be rolled out with fanfare and tried and found wanting and replaced by … solution A. It will go on this way FOREVER, until we understand that ISLAM IS THE PROBLEM. And then we will cease trying to solve the Islam problem,—because the problem of Islam cannot be solved short of the apostasy or the death of all Muslims—and start to isolate and contain Islam instead.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 09, 2006 01:25 PM | Send

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