The public opposes amnesty—or is that just the (Re)public(ans)?

According to the redoubtable Lou Dobbs in a report at CNN, the pro-amnesty afflatus has waned and the pro-amnesty elites have become politically isolated as more and more Americans have figured out what “comprehensive” immigration reform really means. Also, repeat illegal alien demos in several major cities over Labor Day were pale shadows of their massive predecessors of last spring. There’s no way amnesty is going to be passed, he writes. Fine, I agree. But that prediction only applies to the current Congress. Dobbs does not deal seriously with the possibility of a Democratic victory in the House elections and how that would affect the issue in the next Congress.

Also, an interesting angle from a commenter at vdare: “Is GOP House Leadership the new Third Party?”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 07, 2006 01:30 AM | Send

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