For once, Bush does reality

In his second big speech in two days, President Bush dispensed with his usual reality-free boilerplate and told us about some actual things that our national security apparatus has been doing to defend us from terrorism, namely the tracking, arrest, and interrogation of Al Qaeda agents, which has repeatedly led to information allowing us to stop planned terror attacks on America. If Bush, both in his speeches and in his actions, had more often shown this kind of interest in the concrete world, instead of bossily pushing on us his fantasy world where all people desire and deserve democracy, and Islam is a religion of peace, and family values don’t stop at the Rio Grande, his presidency, and America, would have been in much better shape.

Also, given what he has said in this speeech, would Mr. Bush now admit that it was not the presence of our forces in Iraq that protected us from these terror attacks (“by fighting them in Iraq, we avoid having to fight them in America”), but the tracking, arrest, and interrogation of Al Qaeda agents?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 06, 2006 08:32 PM | Send

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