More flights disrupted by terror concerns

An Aer Lingus flight from New York to Dublin with 239 passengers aboard was evacuated at Shannon airport in western Ireland following a threat against the aircraft. The other day a flight taking off from Amsterdam to Bombay had to turn back to the airport after suspicious behavior by passengers.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: this is our future, FOREVER, so long as significant numbers of Muslims reside and travel freely in the West.

Look at it this way. Would Charles Martel, after defeating the Arab-Moorish army at the battle of Tours and then driving it forever out of Gaul at the battle of Narbonne a few years later, have then commenced admitting “peaceful” and “moderate” Muslim immigrants and tourists into Gaul? We say we’re waging a war against a certain group, but never question the mass presence of that group among us. The newest obstacle to clarity on this vital point is the phrase “Islamic fascism,” which allows us to imagine that our adversary is a small fringe of Islamic “fascists,” rather than Islam as a whole. A sad irony is that the people who talk about fighting Islamic fascism think that they are at the forefront of fighting this war. An even sadder irony is that, by today’s standards, they are.

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William de C. writes:

I particularly enjoy your comments on Islam. You’re the ONLY Western patriot who understands what we’re up against and proposes we do something about it. You seem to have the ability to see right through to the essence of things. It’s inspiring.

When I was living in London, in the late 1990s, I would often visit Speaker’s Corner in Hyde Park on Sunday afternoons to listen to the nutcases. The Muslims were always there, as were the blacks from the Nation of Islam. I recall one spring afternoon, standing listening to some bearded Muslim fanatic railing against the West. I heckled him, and was immediately surrounded by a crowd of bearded, white-robed Muslims, screaming at me in Arabic. I’ll never forget the look of PURE HATRED in the eyes of one little Muslim boy aged about 10 as he screamed at me. Chilling. Although I knew and was friendly with Muslims at prep school and college, this event turned me against Islam to the extent that I now am more than willing to act against them.

Keep up the good work.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 25, 2006 10:49 AM | Send

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