Why is that man still in office?

Caroline Glick sums up the provisions of the cease-fire agreement, which she calls “an unmitigated disaster,” and concludes:

Many sources in Washington told this writer over the weekend that the U.S. decision to seek a cease-fire was the result of Israel’s amateurish bungling of the first three weeks of the war. The Bush administration, they argued, was being blamed for the Olmert government’s incompetence and so preferred to cut its losses and sue for a cease-fire.

There is no doubt much truth to this assertion. The government’s prosecution of this war has been unforgivably inept. At the same time it should be noted that the short-term political gain accrued by the U.S. by forging the cease-fire agreement will come back to haunt the U.S., Israel and all forces fighting the forces of global jihad in the coming weeks and months.

By handing a victory to Hizbullah, the resolution strengthens the belief of millions of supporters of jihad throughout the world that their side is winning and that they should redouble efforts to achieve their objectives of destroying Israel and running the U.S. out of the Middle East.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 12, 2006 11:11 PM | Send

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