“Nation of immigrants,” to the nth degree

Here is President Bush’s top advisor, Karl Rove, addressing the National Council of La Raza yesterday in Los Angeles:

Everything that this country is, everything that we have achieved, everything that we hold, everything that we promise, is because we are a nation of diversity, brought together by immigration, and sharing a common dream.

So, diversity is everything that America is, everything that it means, and this diversity is only held together by … no, not by the self-evident truths that “all men are created equal, endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights,” but by a “dream.” Held together by a dream? What is a dream? A dream is someone’s wishes and desires. Bush and Rove have cast aside the objective truths of human nature that America was founded on and are declaring a new America, founded on everyone’s wishes and desires. The Bushites and neocons tell us these aspirations are the same for all people on earth, but in reality they are very different for people from different cultures and civilizations. The aspiration of the Mexicans in La Raza to whom Rove was speaking is to make America into Mexico. The aspiration of the Muslims whom Bush regularly invites to the White House for cosy get-togethers and Ramadan observations is to Islamicize America. And the aspiration of all too many Americans, led by Bush, is to let them do it.

Is there a single respected and prominent person in this country who will stand up against Bush’s treasonous assault on America?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 12, 2006 03:08 PM | Send

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