
About Pakistani reaction to the 7/11 train bombings in Bombay in which about 140 have been killed so far, an Indian living in the West says:

Amazing. Muslims seem to be incapable of acknowledging Muslim violence—the acts are always carried out by non-Muslim evil perpetrators—Jews, Israelis, Zionists, CIA, Indian intelligence.

Those nations that invite Islam into their midst pay a price. This is the price.

It’s not amazing at all. Muslims by definition cannot do anything wrong. If something wrong has happened, someone other than Muslims must have done it.

Meanwhile, another type of savage we have unleashed in our midst murdered a 27-year-old British Jew who was working in Washington, D.C. for Mark Warner’s presidential campaign. He was walking with a lady friend in Georgetown after a movie, and four savages set upon him and slashed his throat, while a couple of them attempted to rape the woman.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 11, 2006 09:27 PM | Send

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