The open-borders traitors will not give up trying to fool us

Ok, Sen. Frist has gotten the message that the people want enforcement before they will even consider amnesty. So what does he propose? That the president (that’s President Jorge W. Busheron, folks) be required to certify the border’s security before the amnesty can take effect. As Paul Nachman points out in a letter to the Washington Times:

President Bush, during a 2004 debate with Sen. John Kerry, said “[The borders] are much better protected today than they were when I was the governor of Texas.” Presumably, even with thousands of illegal aliens transiting our border each night, this president would casually “certify” their “security.”

As we can see from the above, any “concession” that may be forthcoming from the open-borders conspirators that they are willing to secure the borders before implementing the guestworker/citizenship program will be nothing but a variation on Sen. Frist’s palpably fraudulent proposal. Or, as Mr. Nachman writes in a follow-up note: “Don’t trust. Verify painstakingly, and at leisure. They need to pass something that contains nothing but enforcement. Not enforcement plus something later.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 28, 2006 11:11 AM | Send

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