An unkind cut at someone who, let’s face it, has earned it

A correspondent writes:

There is something by JPod worth reading at the Corner. He lists all the times Tom Friedman said the next six months in Iraq will be crucial, starting from 2003 to just a few days ago! [Actually, it’s something Podhoretz copied from FAIR—the bad FAIR, that is.]

LA replies:

Please don’t refer to him as JPod, that is vulgar and inappropriate beyond belief.


That’s his name at the Corner.


There was J-Lo, Jennifer Lopez, an entertainer and actress, and then at the Corner they jokingly named their editor, Kathryn Jean Lopez, as K-Lo, so it was a cute nickname for young, Hispanic (and, I think, petite) females, and then this fat, vulgar, male, bald, middle-aged bag of resentment comes along and, thinking he’s being really cool, calls himself JPod?

It’s the ultimate in the thing I’ve mentioned before: the younger neocons’ utter lack of taste, the way they always get things wrong.


Oh I found one—Kurtz saying “Well, Pod, that poll is interesting all right.” Just Pod, not Jpod. But I’m laughing out loud at your descriptions. Unkind, says the Christian in me, but funny, says the pagan?
- end of initial entry -

Howard Sutherland writes:

Everything you say here is true, but why not stick Podhoretz with the moniker he has adopted? It indicates how seriously one need take him. And he is one of the neocon pod people.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 19, 2006 07:46 AM | Send

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