Ali’s Dutch citizenship has been revoked

Things are unfolding very quickly in the Netherlands. Yesterday the immigration minister Rita Verdonk said that in light of the newly emerged facts about Hirsi Ali’s 1992 asylum application her Dutch citizenship was likely to be invalid. Today Verdonk withdrew Ali’s Dutch citizenship. That a lone official has the power to take such a drastic step so quickly, without any further legal procedure, and to take it, moreover, against a person who has been a Dutch citizen for 14 years and is a member of the Dutch parliament, is astonishing.

However, I think we should—with due process of course—do the same with Muslim naturalized U.S. citizens who believe in sharia and jihad, since they were all lying when they swore allegiance to the United States Constitution.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 16, 2006 11:43 AM | Send

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