One of those high-IQ whites blames America’s racial and cultural disaster on…

… (read to the end and find out).

Dear Mr. Auster,

It is with great interest that I have been reading articles at your website VFR the past few weeks. Even more interesting are the conclusions that you have been reaching. The same conclusions that a lot have us concluded a long time ago but were labeled as racists, intolerant, backward, anti-Semitic etc.

For example, you have come to the conclusion that the New Orleans debacle of Katrina showed America what a primitive, third-world community the black citizens of America were.

A second example—you’ve come to the conclusion that the Jewish community was in fact a driving engine of liberalism to disestablish the majoritarian American culture.

A third example—you’ve established the fact that America is committing suicide through non-white, anti-Caucasian immigration policies.

A fourth example—that multi-cultural, multi-racial government policies and media influence have the impact of driving Christianity out of the public square.

These are all conclusions many of us foresaw in the late 1950’s but were bashed by intellectuals such as yourself both on the left and right sides of the political spectrum.

Our instincts told us that the negro (do you dislike that term?), if not contained, would destroy the fabric of American society. Have you seen any good come out of the black ghettos except the debasement of our culture? Their criminal record is unmatched in terms of murder.

Our instincts told us that the Jews coming out of Europe to America would be in the vanguard of socialism. From the 30’s to the 60’s, Jews were the driving force behind liberalism.

Our instincts told us that an influx of non-Caucasian immigrants would destroy the American identity and self-image as bequeathed to us by the founding fathers.

We didn’t need reams and reams of intellectual discussions to see quickly and immediately how we were being sold down the river. In 1964 John Sormer published a book entitled “None Dare Call It Treason” that anticipated by 40 years every claim you are now making. But during those years people like you claimed you needed a “rational” approach to these problems and talked, and talked, and talked…

How many words do you really need to spew out when you damn well know in your heart and through instinct that the negro is half-animal, that the Jew having abandoned the real God is a secular thief, that the Muslim is out to kill you and burn your Bible? How stupid can you be????????????????????? We knew back then very quickly what the game was all about! But you preferred to “talk” to the liberal intellect and “rationalize”… Now you see the death you have brought upon us all with your verbal procrastination.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 13, 2006 08:39 PM | Send

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