When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions

Meanwhile, so pre-occupied are we with the hideous amnesty proposal, that we’ve paid almost no attention to the fact that the bill being debated in the Senate includes a doubling of annual green cards. That means almost a million additional legal immigrants per year! And it’s barely even being debated!

You can see this information in a pdf document at the NumbersUSA site. Both the Frist bill and the Spector bill would increase permanent immigrant visas (green cards) by 1,008,660 per year. However, it is not clear to me yet whether this number is earmarked for the illegal aliens to be amnestied under the bill, or is simply an increase in normal immigrant visas having nothing to do with the amnesty.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 04, 2006 04:44 PM | Send

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