Report from the Apocalypse of Liberalism front

As a result of the Abdul Rahman case, in which seemingly the entire society of Afghanistan seeks to kill a man for his religious beliefs while the rest of the Muslim world remains silent, arch-liberal Richard Cohen has had an anti-liberal epiphany. He realizes that it is not just a minority of extremists in Islam that are inhumanly cruel, it is Islam itself. Indeed, just as I discovered from reading the Declaration of Human Rights in Islam, which was signed by all 57 Muslim majority countries in the world, the centrality of jihad in Islam, Cohen is discovering from the Abdul Rahman situation the centrality of sharia-commanded religious killings in Islam. ”It is also frightening,” he writes, “to confront how differently we in the West think about such matters and why the word ‘culture’ is not always a mask for bigotry, but an honest statement of how things are.” He closes the column with the statement that he cannot regard people who believe in religious murder as his fellow men, meaning that he cannot regard the majority of Muslims—one-fifth of the human race—as his fellow men. Cohen, in this extremely important sense, is ceasing to be a liberal.

Meanwhile Investor’s Business Daily, quoted at Michelle Malkin’s site, presents a bunch of Koranic passages that command death to non-Muslims, and concludes that if these quotes indicate what they appear to indicate, then “there’s no such thing as moderate Islam.” Investor’s Business Daily, in this key regard, is ceasing to be liberal.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 28, 2006 06:54 PM | Send

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