George W.—a bigger enemy than George III?

A reader writes from California:

Following decades of usurpations, and now yesterday’s outrage in the Senate Judiciary Committee, after the endless stream of vicious inanities upon the matter of immigration—did I say immigration? I meant, population replacement—that have issued from the Little Messiah and his obsequious instruments, it has become appallingly clear that the government of the United States now stands in a more hostile relation to the American people than the government of Great Britain ever did prior to the outbreak of the War of Independence.

I, at least, consider myself obliged to adjust my allegiances accordingly.

Not only are we facing this attack on our country from within, but we face a particular dilemma in figuring out how to respond to it. Namely, given the fact that the ruling powers of America and the currently dominant belief system of America are against America, how do we oppose these destructive forces without becoming anti-American ourselves? In this connection, the reader may find helpful my Traditionalist’s Credo, posted at the Unofficial LA page. Here is the brief article from which the credo comes.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 28, 2006 03:18 PM | Send

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