Making the glass seem full

A reader who has just begun subscribing to American Renaissance informs me that

the first paragraph of the lead article in the April issue of American Renaissance says: “Even the Jewish weekly Forward wrote about the views of Jews who attended the conference,” without noticing the dismay and confusion expressed in that article over the Stormfront party-crashing.

For AR to use Jonathan Tilove’s Forward’s article to suggest a positive relationship between Jews and the conference, without mentioning that the article detailed shocking and offensive anti-Semitic behavior encountered by those same Jews, indicates that Jared Taylor still finds it difficult, perhaps impossible, to acknowledge and confront the reality of anti-Semitism, whether in the AR circle or elsewhere.

A reader says I’m being naive, since Taylor has been connected with anti-Semites for years, for example, at The Occidental Quarterly, where he was a member of the advisory board. But let’s say that Taylor tacitly goes along with anti-Semitism. That doesn’t contradict the statement that he fails to acknowledge and confront it.

The same reader replies:

Not to focus on semantics, but I think that “not acknowledging and confronting the reality of anti-Semitism” is different from consciously establishing a political relationship with anti-Semites, albeit in a relatively discrete way.

Taylor is no fool, and from his practice I can only assume that he sees Duke and Co. as a legitimate part of his movement and that he shares TOQ’s view that Jews as Jews are somehow to blame of the decline of the West.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 22, 2006 12:58 AM | Send

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