Getting down to the bedrock

When the Iraqis wrote a constitution last summer saying that all laws must be in conformity with Islam, i.e., with sharia law, the Bush supporters had a ready response: “Of course, we’ve been saying all along”—yeah, right—“that Iraqi democracy would have to reflect the culture of Iraq. We never said that their democracy would be just like ours. And besides, the important thing is that the constitution protects rights.” Ok, so somehow they finessed their little sharia-in-the-constitution problem. But how are they going to finesse their little Christian-convert-from-Islam-must-be-executed problem? This is the reality of Islam, the reality that the neocons have been exercising all their skills and lies to deny. (See more on this issue here.)

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 22, 2006 12:10 AM | Send

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