Miers, strike one; ports deal, strike two; Gold Card amnesty…

So apparently President Bush and his liberal friends in Congress have dropped the fake notion they’ve been pushing since 2004 that the quasi-amnestied illegals could only stay in the U.S. for six years and then have to return to their home country. The six year limit was never believable—if we didn’t have the will to send them home now, why would we have it in six years? Now the open borderites—bless their hearts, they are as honest and open-hearted about their true intentions as jihadists—are going for full, undisguised amnesty. Under the proposed bill being pushed by Sen. Spector, the “Gold Card” allowing illegal aliens to live and work legally in the U.S. would be renewable every two years, forever. It’s amnesty, pure and simple.

Happily, I think this bill has no more chance of approval than Harriet Miers’ nomination or the Dubai ports deal. But Bush and his fellow open-borders liberals just can’t stop; they have to be themselves. And we have to be ourselves and stop them.

If Bush keeps this up, by the end of his presidency he’ll have about seven supporters left: Laura, and Condi, and Andrew, and Alberto, and Harriet, and Karl, and Karen … and, of course, su amigo numero uno Vicente, plus a couple of Arab sheiks.

Eleanor Clift writes:

There is despair in Washington about this administration, and it’s not just among partisan Democrats. It’s everybody, including the circle of family and friends from the first Bush presidency, who are frozen out and treated like strangers. There was hope that after the ’04 election there would be a fresh start and that after all the mishaps of last year Bush would learn and shake up his White House. Instead, he’s more isolated and protected and reliant on a tiny inner circle. [Italics added.] The dilemma for Bush is that unless he finds a way to reach out to his base and reassure them about his leadership, his party is headed for disaster in November.

Right—and it’s the same tiny inner circle—Laura, Karen, Condi, Andrew—that made the decision to nominate a totally unqualified, liberal-leaning crony for the Supreme Court. It’s one thing to depend on a tiny inner circle; it’s another to depend on a tiny inner circle of seriously stupid, liberal-leaning people whose guiding principle is their loyalty to Bush, his family, and his international cronies.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 11, 2006 01:51 AM | Send

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