Just as the Muslims are revealing themselves, so is the left

A reader writes:

I think Krauthammer gets it about right.

The Western media’s self-description as independent, its narrative of Western journalism as a profession of courage and freedom with a Constitutional dimension, and its self-styled mission of “speaking truth to power,” has evaporated in a week.

This incident is a simple, concise, dramatic revelation of all you have said about liberal elites, their belief systems, their loyalties, their agenda, etc. They have submitted, and this incident merely confirms and dramatizes their submission. Not only have they submitted, they were eager to submit, anxious to demonstrate the authenticity and commitment of their submission.

This incident, when combined with the insights within the writings of yourself and others, has resulted in an epiphany for me. Liberals have already surrendered; it’s over for them. It’s almost like they are on “the other side,” a metaphor that might be taken from a movie like The Invasion of the Body Snatchers. They aren’t like you and me. I have the strangest feeling when I contemplate this, as if I live in a land managed by aliens.

LA replies:

I think what you’re saying is: the liberal-left has all along invoked the ideal of complete freedom, including the complete freedom of all people to come here and do their thing. But this freedom was in reality not some general, universal freedom, it was the freedom of unassimilable and hostile aliens to take away our freedom. The proof of this is seen in the fact that the moment our enemies’ intentions to take away our freedom became plain, the very people crying the loudest for unlimited freedom yielded to our would-be dictators.

The lesson is: left-liberals do not believe in the thing they say they believe in, the liberation of human beings from all constraints. Rather, they believe in the liberation of those things that will destroy the West, while they support politically correct restrictions on those things that uphold the West.

Conservatives constantly accuse the left of a double standard. In fact, the left doesn’t have a double standard, any more than the Muslims do. The Muslims have a single standard: Muslim supremacism. The left has a single standard: destroying the West.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 10, 2006 12:04 PM | Send

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