Did the WSJ print the cartoons?

Here’s something odd. An editorial writer for the Wall Street Journal Europe, Daniel Schwammenthal, writes at Opinion Journal:

The support shown in the past few days by newspapers around Europe reprinting the cartoons is very welcome. But the vast majority of Europe’s media didn’t join the battle. And so in the end, it was too little, too late, coming just after the Danes were forced to “confess.”

But the Wall Street Journal itself did not re-print the cartoons. So how can it criticize other media for not doing so? This seems like further evidence of the standard view of today’s “conservatives”—that Europe has nothing to do with America. Europe has problems with Muslims, but we Americans, we have out act so together, we have assimilated our Muslims, we have no alienated and extremist Muslims here. Therefore European papers have a moral obligation to print the cartoons in solidarity with the Danes, but American papers, including the Wall Street Journal, and even the Wall Street Journal Europe, have not.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 06, 2006 06:07 PM | Send

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