Islamic democracy spreading, from Karbala to Cairo to Canada

After winning election to run for the Canadian Parliament as the Liberal Party candidate, Omar Alghabra excitedly told an audience, “This is a victory for Islam! Islam won! Islam Won! … Islamic power is extending into Canadian politics.” Moreover, the audience to whom Alghabra said this was a congregation of several hundred Coptic Christians. A member of the congregation, Victor Fouad, wrote to Prime Minister Paul Martin, complaining about the intrusion of religion into politics by one of the Liberal Party’s candidates, and got no answer. Fouad remarked of the PM, “Since he has said nothing about it and this candidate is still representing the Liberal Party of Canada, I have to assume that Alghabra has the endorsement of the Prime Minister.”

This story is a microcosm and prefigurement of the West’s future. Muslims will not play by our rules. Muslims care about Islam, not about our rules. And as they keep breaking our rules, and keep re-shaping our society according to their rules, we will keep yielding to them, step by step. This is our certain future, unless we wake up and radically change course.

A reader writes:

Concerning that Muslim candidate for parliament in Canada who shouted that this was a victory for Islam.

This is the fault of the Western liberal. The liberal is forever remarking what a breakthrough it is when a non-white person runs for political office and gets nominated. Or when a female competes in a male-oriented sport. Or when one gay person kisses another gay person on screen.

Whenever a non-white, non-male “breaks into” a supposed monopoly held by white males, there is this “cheering” that a barrier has been broken, that evolution has worked its proper course, that “more people” can now participate in an event or organization.

Somehow the white male forms a historical, cultural and biological barrier to be broken by women, minorities, Muslims, gays, whatever … in sports, in politics, in the judiciary, etc. And when that barrier is broken, we get exclamations of victory and exultation.

LA to reader:

I agree with you, and this was my first thought on hearing on this, that this is just standard operating procedure under liberal multiculturalism. But then I realized that even by the liberals’ own standard of ethnic celebration, you’re not supposed to tout religion in public. Ethnicity is one thing (e.g. Gary Locke touting his election as governor of Washington as a great victory of Asian Americans), religion is something else. So this guy expanded multicultural celebration from ethnicity to religion, he broke the rules, and the Liberal Party accepted it. That’s why this event is not just another routine liberal phenomenon, but something new.

Reader to LA:

The Liberal Party accepted it tacitly and quietly because the liberal cannot do otherwise. Once the liberal has opened the door “to surmount all barriers,” he cannot control “in whose name” those barriers are “transcended. Liberal “evolution” or “progress” is a self-defeating thing.

LA to reader:

I agree with you on the underlying progressive logic that makes this kind of thing inevitable. But at the same time we need to recognize that the liberals are indeed entering a new territory here. Initially, it’s ok to celebrate ethnicity or sex or sexual orientation. “The first black such and such! The first female such and such! The first gay such and such!” But religion is not supposed to be celebrated that way. Then the Muslims, being what they are, break that rule, and the very liberals who fiercely oppose any public expression of religion end up going along with it. The liberals will not even stand for their own liberalism. Yielding to the Other trumps all other considerations.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 20, 2005 11:51 PM | Send

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