Further thoughts on homosexual rights and equality

Spencer Warren writes:

Can I give you my thoughts on your talk on homosexual marriage at NYU? They are similar to your first paragraph but expressed differently.

1. Recognizing homosexuality as equal to heterosexuality, as distinguished from tolerating it, strikes at the heart of right and wrong. Our religion and our moral tradition, as well as reasoned observation, teach that man is a fallen being. He must abide by a code of right and wrong above and outside his own wishes; this code is our Judeo-Christian religious heritage. Both from an objective view of revealed religious truth and from an instrumental view based on the realities of human nature, people cannot be left free to make up their own morality.

The Founders recognized this time and time again. If liberty is not “ordered” by Christianity, it will consume itself in chaos or a tyrannical regime will have to replace it.

2. The growing “democratization” of morality we have seen since the sixties explains the social and moral chaos that is destroying Western society and weakening it in the struggle for survival against Islam. It is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of young people from AIDS, for rampant abortion, growing euthanasia (e.g. the murder by torture of Terri Schiavo), high crime, killing of babies in unimaginable crimes, sexualization of the young, growing pedophilia and murders of young girls by male adult rapists, etc, etc.

3. The culmination of this democratization of morality is the drive for the equality of homosexuality. To deem as equal its unnatural, disgusting practices is a surrender of moral judgment. It is the left-wing side of Nazism, grown from the same nihilist desert that forswears moral judgment in the name of human will, whether it be pleasure or oppression.

4. Homosexuals should be tolerated in their private conduct, but when they demand recognition as equals, they must be strongly opposed and denounced for promoting their disgusting perversions. The legalization of their adoption of children is barbaric, an unimaginable assault on the innocence of the young—just for the pleasure of homosexual extremists.

5. Granting homosexuality equality will and is already inspiring the growing assault on Christianity in the West. Christianity teaches that we must obey a higher law than our own wishes, thus it is condemned as bigoted and worse. Canada persecutes people who invoke the Bible to oppose homosexual practice. Granting homosexual equality will advance the growing left-wing totalitarian trends we see in the USA (called “PC” and often enforced by autocratic courts).

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 05, 2005 04:52 PM | Send

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