Why our side was convinced Iraq had WMDs

Must reading is the FrontPage Magazine interview with former UNSCOM weapons inspector Bill Tierney. You will get an inside view of why the inspectors had and still have no doubts that Saddam Hussein had WMDs. Tierney also explains how the WMDs vanished at the time of the U.S. invasion. It’s not mysterious—they were destroyed, thrown away, or shipped to Syria. Tierney is especially valuable because instead of just being a technician, he has a grasp of politics, especially of the liberalism on our side that has consistently denied reality. However, if what Tierney is saying is true, one can’t help but wonder why the Bush administration admitted to being mistaken about WMDs, instead of insisting, as Tierney does, that Hussein had the WMDs, but removed/destroyed them before the U.S. invasion. It almost seems that among the reality-challenged liberals in our government is the president himself.

Meanwhile Steve Sailer posts an e-mail from a Marine in Iraq who gives a fascinating summary of the war, from the types of weapons being used by our side (with each one graded thumbs up or thumbs down) to the tactics used by the enemy to who the enemy is. Sailer follows with a worthwhile comment about the prospects of winning a war of attrition against Muslim extremists.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 17, 2005 12:37 AM | Send

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