A mutually amicable final solution to the West’s Muslim problem

Several people have asked me what I think about the idea presented by Steve Sailer at vdare that Western countries offer to pay Muslims $25,000 or $50,000 per head to return permanently to their native or ancestral country. Naturally I’m in favor. The idea delights me. My policy is to initiative a steady out-migration of Muslims from the West, by voluntary means if possible, by coercive means if necessary. Paying them to decamp would be a fine way to achieve the former.

And on what basis will the Wall Street Journal and economist Gary Becker—who once famously proposed in that newspaper that the U.S. allow prospective immigrants to buy their way into America—complain about this? They think all human motivation and human value boil down to the economic, don’t they? So how could they object to Sailer’s eminently sensible proposal, by which America and other Western countries buy back their nationhood, their freedom, and their future?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 08, 2005 12:19 AM | Send

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