More confusion at Der Spiegel

Wow—amazing. Earlier this evening I quoted an article in the November 7 Der Spiegel that says the Muslims in France are rejecting integration with French society and want to assert sovereign control as Muslims over Muslim neighborhoods and regions in France. But now look at this article which begins:

French Flambée

As the rioting in Paris enters into its eleventh day, commentators in Germany look to neighboring France in dismay. Fortunately, there is no talk of a clash of civilizations, an unbridgeable religious divide or other nonsense. Most papers see it for what it is: a classic clash between the haves and have nots.

So, “we sensible Germans” would never believe any of that clash of civilizations nonsense. But guess what? This assurance appears in the same November 7 issue of Der Spiegel as the article quoted earlier, the one that says that the French Muslims are seceding from France.

Apart from Der Spiegel’s left hand not knowing what its right hand is doing, I find it encouraging that the question, “Is it class conflict or a conflict of civilizations?” has become an explicit topic of discussion.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 08, 2005 12:15 AM | Send

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