Retail terrorism

The recent conviction of an Iranian-born U.S. resident for sprinkling dried feces on food in a Dallas, Texas bakery, combined with many other incidents in which U.S. Muslims have sought to harm Americans, combined with the fact that many U.S. Muslims work in the food services industry, leads David Yeagley, writing at FrontPage Magazine, to disturbing reflections. Of course, most people, including the editors of FrontPage, consider it irresponsible and extremist to believe that Islam as such, Muslims as such, are the enemy. But what practical implication can one draw from Yeagley’s article other than that, in order to make America safe, we must basically view all Muslims as potential or actual enemies? And if we view all Muslims as potential or actual enemies, what action must logically result from that? The Auster solution: The end of Muslim immigration, and the steady net out-migration (both forced and voluntary) of Muslims.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 01, 2005 02:54 PM | Send

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