Civilization depends on violence, cont.

Picking up on a theme from an earlier entry, Ron Lewenberg writes:

After 4 days of rioting in the Muslim suburbs of Paris, French Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy apologized for an incident where tear gas was fired upon rioters using a Mosque. In a sane world, the supposedly hard-line Sarkozy would be resigning for incompetence for not crushing the Mohammedan revolt in a day.

This is also the first mention by the mainstream media that the rioters were Muslim.

The people of Europe and the West must take heed. As Muslim populations grow, their propensity for violence increases. They will force Sharia on Europe through immigration, multiculturalism, and threats of violence.

The only question is what will spark off the next riots: an offensive Santa Lucia display in Malmo? A failure of Manchester or York officials to remove all pictures of pigs? A change in welfare policy in Austria or Germany? In America, we should not be complacent. How long before we have to worry about Patterson, New Jersey?

My reply:
Yes, as has been shown over and over, riots are ended quickly by decisive action by the authorities, and prolonged by indecisive action. Yet the lesson is never learned. People read a story saying, “Paris Riots in Fourth Day,” and it doesn’t instantly occur to them to ask (I include myself in this): Why is this still going on after four days? Why hasn’t this been instantly crushed? We keep forgetting. We get unconsciously assimilated into a demoralized, liberal world view where minority disorder is just a part of the landscape.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 01, 2005 02:35 PM | Send

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