Boot approves Hughes’s foolish and dangerous good-will mission

I learned a lot from Max Boot’s The Savage Wars of Peace when I read it a couple of years ago, but every one of his Los Angeles Times columns I’ve read since then has struck me as deeply unsound (not to mention his endorsement of homosexual “marriage”). Commenting on the risible listening tour of the Muslim world currently being conducted by Karen Hughes, the self-described “working mom” from Texas who knows as much about Islam as she knows about the insides of the planet Neptune, Boot defends Hughes on the basis that if she can win even one or two people in each audience away from paranoid anti-U.S. fantasies, the tour is worthwhile. What he doesn’t grasp, being a liberal, is that Hughes has no grasp of the jihadist essence of Islam, and that during her tour she is meeting with and legitimizing jihadist figures like Sheikh Tantawi, and so weakening America’s position vis à vis our mortal enemies.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 05, 2005 11:06 AM | Send

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