Approval of homosexual marriage bill in California shows need for FMA

Following the California Senate’s action last week, the California Assembly has now passed a measure that would change marriage from a partnership between a man and a woman to a partnership between a person and a person. It is the first time an elected legislature in the U.S. has passed a single sex marriage bill. It was passed by narrow margins and on a strictly party line basis, and, thankfully, observers think it highly likely that Gov. Schwartzenegger will veto the measure.

Neverthelesss, the fact that such a bill was passed, and the possibility that the next time it’s passed, California may have a Democratic governor who will sign it, reminds us of the absolute necessity of enacting the Federal Marriage Amendment, which would ban any marriage in the United States other than that between a man and a woman. To those who say that this is the proper purview of the states, I reply that the normal understanding of marriage is so fundamental to our society, and to the functional unity of our federal republic, that it must be protected at the national level. I also think, following the Concerned Women for America, that the Federal Amendment should be expanded to ban quasi forms of same-sex marriage, i.e. civil unions, as I explain here.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 07, 2005 08:07 PM | Send

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