British tourists taken from Superdome because of racial threats

A small group of British tourists who idiotically had flown from Florida to New Orleans just before Katrina hit and were in the Superdome were evacuated from the Superdome by authorities because of racial threats made against them.

According Jamie Trout’s brother, Jonathan, as reported by the BBC News:

“We got a text message from someone whose phone was working which said [Jamie] was alive but in terrible conditions.

“Then last night our mother got a call saying the situation had deteriorated.

“He witnessed a good deal of violence, with scuffles going on and people breaking things.

“The group really feared for their safety because they were being targeted because they were the only white people there.

“The National Guard moved them out into the basketball stadium next door where the very sick were being held.

“I understand they were helping the medical teams overnight, then they were moved into the Hyatt Regency Hotel.

“I think it’s where the mayor’s office is, and where the federal emergency response team are, so it’s a secure place.

“What we don’t know is how they are going to get out of there because the only way is to go out into the Superdome and queue with the other evacuees, which I imagine they are not prepared to do. [Got that? The Brits can’t get out of the city, because that would require getting into line with people who are threatening them because they’re white.]

“The situation in the dome was really dire with temperatures of over 100 degrees, no working toilets since Sunday and there have been, I think about 30,000 people all getting very desperate.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 02, 2005 04:56 PM | Send

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