Kuwait official rejoices in Katrina

A senior Kuwaiti official, Muhammad Yousef Al-Mlaifi, has published an article entitled “The Terrorist Katrina is One of the Soldiers of Allah.” The chilling title says it all. Even while we are devoting our nation’s energies and the lives of our people to the democratization and liberation of Muslims, many Muslims, including those we have liberated (only 14 years ago we rescued Al-Mlaifi’s own country), want to destroy us. And they don’t just want to destroy us, in the sense of wanting to defeat the infidel enemy; rather, they nourish within themselves glee and enjoyment at the sight of us being harmed. When a vast natural disaster causes untold misery to thousands or millions of innocent Americans, Muslims such as Al-Mlaifi rejoice, feeling vindicated by Allah.

Above the savage level, this is not normal human behavior. I do not know of any non-Muslim nations, even those at war with each other, in which the people of one country would rejoice at a major natural disaster that has ruined and killed thousands civilians of the other country. Yet this abnormal behavior is perfectly normal for Muslims, and not because of any Islamic “culture,” but because it is the behavior of Allah and his Prophet, found on virtually every page of the Koran, of wishing sadistic harm on the enemies of Allah, that is, on anyone who declines to accept Muhammad as Allah’s prophet.

This vindictive sadism is a central element of Islam; and I don’t know if even the most critical Islam scholars have spoken of it. They have written about Holy War, the terrible systematic cruelties and oppressions done to non-Muslims under the rule of sharia and dhimmitude; but I have not seen Islam scholars talk about the way Muslims, following Muhammad, relish in the torments that must come to Allah’s enemies. At the core of this “religion” is a restless, unappeasable desire for revenge, punctuated by outbursts of ecstatic gratitude to Allah when the vengeance comes to pass.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 02, 2005 12:45 AM | Send

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