U.S. actively pushing sharia constitution

In my amazement at the claim of NRO regular Andrew McCarthy to have been a long time proponent of the idea that Islam and democracy are incompatible, I didn’t respond sufficiently to his main news, that the U.S. ambassador to Iraq, a Muslim named Zalmay Khalilzad, has been pushing the Iraqis toward accepting a greater role of Islam in their constitution than even many of the Iraqis want. I’m not surprised at this development. After President Bush’s bald-faced betrayal of his June 2002 statement that he would not deal with the Palestinians until they had dismantled their terror infrastructure and propaganda, after Condoleezza Rice’s positive remarks about Hezbollah and Hamas as possible democratic players with whom we would be willing to deal, and after so many other similarly shocking acts, I’m not surprised at any betrayal by this administration of its own stated, sacred principles.

People thought that George W. would be different from his father—his father who betrayed people and principles as readily as a bird sings in May. In fact, George W. makes his dad look like an amateur in the treason department. I actually think there’s a part of the Bush family psyche where they get their jollies from betraying people. It’s their way of saying, “We’re better than you.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 21, 2005 04:41 PM | Send

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