Andrew McCarthy, inveterate critic of democratization?

As Iraq, with U.S. prodding (!), moves toward a sharia constitution, Andrew McCarthy at The Corner is claiming to have been a long-time critic of the utopian Bush project to democratize Islam. He even says, echoing a tiny handful of Bush critics including me, that Islam and democracy are “incompatible.” I’ve read a fair number of McCarthy’s rather windy articles at NRO over the last couple of years, and I never noticed him making any such anti-democratization argument before. Has anyone else? He may have said that we were placing too much emphasis on democratization at the expense of security, but I don’t think he ever said that Islam and democracy were inherently incompatible. In fact, if he had been arguing that point over the last two years, it’s unlikely he would have been made an NRO regular.

McCarthy also says that the American people never debated or signed onto a war to create a democratic government in Iraq. Let’s see. The U.S. has been involved in the Iraqi democratization project for two years four months. If McCarthy thought this project had never been properly approved by the American people, why is he only complaining about this fact now? Unless, once again, I’ve missed something and he’s been saying it all along. If anyone is able to enlighten me, here’s my e-mail address.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 21, 2005 04:05 PM | Send

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