Jihad in India

In conjunction with the recent discussions at VFR about Hindu-Muslim relations (that’s a “neutral,” non-judgmental way of saying, “the calamitous role of Muslims in India”), Serge Trifkovic’s article, “Islam’s Other Victims: India,” as adapted by Robert Locke from Trifkovic’s book The Sword of Islam and published at FrontPage Magazine in 2002, is well worth reading. Trifkovic shows that India was a successful, high civilization that was essentially destroyed by the Muslim invaders, and further, that the Muslim depredations and murders of Hindus, extending over centuries, constitute the greatest single civilizational destruction and slaughter of innocents in history. This slaughter was, moreover, explicitly justified and commanded on the basis of the Koranic edict to “strike off the heads of the non-believers.” This terrible history is not widely known in the West, any more than, at least prior to the publication of the Engish translation of Bat Ye’or’s Decline of Eastern Christianity Under Islam in 1997, Americans widely understood the role of Islam in wiping out an entire, flourishing Christian/Jewish civilization of the Near East. Everyone, at least me, had the bland, conventional notion that Islam somehow “expanded,” without thinking about the countries and people over which it expanded. The same appalling—and mortally dangerous—ignorance applies to India.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 09, 2005 06:01 PM | Send

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