I am an Eloi, too

An unposted note by me written July 7, 2005, the day of the London bombings:

This afternoon, I took the IRT subway to Times Square and then to Third Avenue. The situation that a friend of mine has been warning of for years has now arrived. Palestinian-type suicide bombings began in Israel, spread to Iraq, and are now in the West. Now we face the possibility, not just of some big attack somewhere, but of suicide attacks in buses and subways, attacks that can hit you and destroy you as you’re simply going about your business. Yet despite these thoughts, I got on the train, and opened a book, and it was like any other train ride, except that I looked around a bit more when I first boarded the train. So I too was willing to put myself passively in a situation where I could be blown up.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 02, 2005 09:31 AM | Send

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