More on WMAL’s suspension of Graham

This e-mail from a reader provides more background on the suspension of Michael Graham’s radio program:

Michael Graham has a talk radio program on WMAL in Washington, D.C. that airs from 9 AM to 12 daily. This morning it was announced that he was suspended “indefinitely” because of his “Islam is a terrorist organization” statement which he announced on the radio mid-week last week [Graham’s persuasively argued column making the same point was discussed at VFR yesterday].

Just so you know, Ibrahim Hooper of CAIR showed up on the Chris Core (sp?) show on WMAL the next day to complain. Neither the host Core (who is a vacuous moderate) nor any of the hostile callers (and there were many) trapped Hooper, though it would have been easy. He used the typical Islamic sophistry, and Core obviously never thought to research Islam on his own before the program. Core spent most of the program defending Islam and Hooper. Graham got no support from the dimwit lineup at WMAL, so he is left hanging. Core made a statement during the program that, at first, I thought was parody when he said he trusted President Bush more than anyone else when Bush said we are not at war with Islam and Islam is a religion of peace. Sadly Core was being serious. His number one source on Islam is Bush—not the Koran, not the Hadith, not the Sira.

Bottom line is that the suits at WMAL, who also bring us Republican lackeys disguised as conservatives Limbaugh and Hannity, caved to CAIR. I’m sure the typical “conservative” Washingtonian will continue to tune in to WMAL as before. Graham was the only one I still, occasionally, listened to. Gresham’s Law continues in the “conservative” movement.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 29, 2005 09:36 AM | Send

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