Bush—the deep-devising genius whose thoughts and plans are beyond us mere mortals

This L-dotter evidently thinks that if Bush nominates another Souter (no conservative track record), that would show incredible, far-seeing strategic wisdom on Bush’s part:

Reply 21—Posted by: convert, 7/19/2005 2:50:04 PM

I will probably skip most of the caterwalling here and on other commentary sites for a while. Many Repubs are demanding that W nominate a Scalia/Thomas first time out, or better yet, Ann Coulter! Now that would be fine by me. But politics is about the art of the possible. By picking someone conservative but with little track record to attack, Bush is painting the clueless hysterics on the Left into a corner. They’ll howl and throw themselves around and beat themselves (and the nominee) bloody…and the American people will see it for what it is. NEXT time (and quite possibly one more after that) Bush will nominate a Thomas/Scalia—count on it—and the Left will be completely out of ammo. Some of you guys are playin’ checkers again…while W is always playin’ chess….

Apart from the familiar yet always amazing Bush worship, several of the above comments deserve specific replies:

“Many Repubs are demanding that W nominate a Scalia/Thomas first time out.”

But that’s precisely what Bush himself repeatedly promised to do.

“Politics is about the art of the possible.”

Meaning that conservatives shouldn’t mind if Bush lied through his teeth to get their votes.

“By picking someone conservative but with little track record to attack, Bush is painting the clueless hysterics on the Left into a corner.”

But an axiom of conservatism is that anyone who is not explicitly conservative (e.g., no conservative record) inevitably turns liberal over time.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 19, 2005 03:05 PM | Send

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