Hispanic community sides with violent illegal-alien criminal against the police

While we’re engaged in the search for moderate Moslems, how about finding some moderate Hispanics? Consider the current cause celębre in Hispanic Los Angeles, as told by Heather Mac Donald at Michelle Malkin’s blog. An illegal alien drug dealer, who had previously been deported from the United States, threatened his girlfriend’s teen-age daughter, started shooting at police officers when they arrived, wounded an officer during the ensuing 90 minute gun battle, and was finally shot dead, along with his baby daughter whom he had used as a shield while he was firing at the police. The result has been been violent protests every day by the Hispanic “community” against the unjust police killing of a “good man,” while the city’s Hispanic mayor remains neutral on the “community’s” claims.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 19, 2005 02:12 PM | Send

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