Rational approach to terror problem heard at pro-Bush site!

I find, at Lucianne.com, of all places, someone who agrees with me point by point on how to eliminate—not manage, but eliminate—Moslem terrorism in the West. Compared to the endless Eloi-esque blather one hears on tv about how the Londoners are coping, and how steady they are, and how “they’re not going to let this defeat them,” and how “we’re not going change our way of life because of this” (and how would they change their way of life, even if they wanted to?), and about “What was the first thing that went through your mind, Gov. Pataki, when you heard about the attack?”, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah—in short, with all the endless chatter about our feelings, to read something at a mainstream, pro-Bush website about the actual nature of the threat and what we need to do about it comes as an enjoyable shock.

Reply 15—Posted by: ClangClang, 7/8/2005 12:16:32 AM

The British will find the perps and put them in jail for a few decades. But the West will not get serious about terror until there is an event so devastating that politicians will be forced to choose between action and anarchy.

Our borders should have been controlled on 9/12. All Muslim illegal aliens should have been deported and the immigration gate slammed shut. Legal Muslim immigrants and naturalized immigrants should have been subjected to the most stringent review. Any hint of past militancy should have caused de-naturalization and immediate deportation.

But none of these basic precautionary measures have occurred at a policy level: only small, high profile interventions. The political will does not exist to fight the enemy at home. Many of the goals of the Left are aligned with the enemy and the enemy knows it. The enemy lives, plots and moves freely within the West under protection of PC piety. The MSM cheerleads the “insurgents” on.

There is no rational reason to tolerate an organized, violent, nihilistic cult, but PC has paralyzed the West. The hit is coming and we are powerless to stop it.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 08, 2005 12:32 AM | Send

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