Aren’t we lucky that Western leaders are such experts on Islam?

Foreign secretary Jack Straw told a BBC interviewer this evening: “The people who claim to carry out these attacks in the name of Islam are wrong. These attacks have nothing to do with Islam.”

Isn’t that amazing? Straw, a secular leftist British politician, understands the religious beliefs of jihadist terrorists better than the jihadists do themselves! In reality, the leaders of the Western countries are still at the Kindergarten level on this issue. What will it take to bring them to First Grade, let alone, say, to Junior High?

But it’s being too kind to say that Western leaders are at the Kindergarten level. Kindergarten just means that one doesn’t know anything, and needs to learn. The problem with our leaders is that they believe in a distorted, ideological view of the world that positively prevents them from grasping the nature of our enemies.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 07, 2005 08:38 PM | Send

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