“Extra vigilance” urged by the anti-vigilante

In the wake of the terrorist explosions in London, President Bush has called on Americans to be “extra vigilant.” This—coming from the national leader who attacks almost every effort at vigilance; who fines airlines when they have kept suspicious persons from boarding planes; who shuts down efforts by the INS to apprehend illegals; who pushes open borders; who continues his palship with the Mexican president even as Mexico’s government officially urges Mexicans to invade America; who continues his friendship with the Saudis even as they continue disseminating anti-American jihadist literature in U.S. mosques and schools; and who, finally, derides as “vigilantes” the one group of Americans, the Minutemen, who have actually exercised vigilance.

Thankfully, the people at Free Republic seem to have Bush’s number.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 07, 2005 10:11 AM | Send

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