The great divorce

I want to say one other thing. Something supremely horrible is happening in Iraq, yet the world is treating it as almost routine. Almost every day there are suicide bombings in which 20, 30, or 50 people are blown up and dismembered. Remember what a suicide bombing is. People are going about their daily routine, shopping, driving in a street, applying for a job, walking among their fellow Iraqis, and suddenly someone in their midst pulls a cord and sets off an explosion that blows off the heads and limbs of a score of people and leaves human body parts scattered like leaves in autumn. There has never been anything like this. There has been terror, of course. And then there was the unprecedented horror of the suicide bombings in Israel starting in 1994, when people would get blown up while riding in a city bus or congregating in a bar or restaurant. But the suicide bombing campaign in Iraq is larger by a couple of orders of magnitude than what was happening in Israel at the peak of the terror intifada.

Now, keep all of that all in mind, and then think of the mentality that would say of this situation, “A messy little war against a minor insurgency has been progressing nicely.” That comment epitomizes the Bush supporters’ divorce from reality.

And there’s one other thing we must not forget. If the Bush supporters could routinize the daily terrorist mass slaughter committed by Moslems in Iraq, seeing it as a “minor” price to be paid for the spread of universal freedom and equality, would they not do the same with regard to terrorist mass murders that happened here, committed by members of the Moslem population which Bush has welcomed to America in the name of universal freedom and equality?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 27, 2005 10:20 PM | Send

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