What hath Lawrence Summers wrought

From the Harvard Crimson, details of Harvard’s $50 million commitment to increase the number of women and minorities in Harvard science programs. In the end, this whole affair has followed the classic pattern, in which a “bias” incident occurs on campus, everyone gets stirred up to a hysterical pitch, and in response the administration inaugurates wildly ambitious new “diversity” programs. But never has the dread “bias” incident consisted of the university’s own president addressing an academic conference and making tentative, commonsensical, and scientifically based statements about questions of fact; and of the said president then signing on to a $50 million program to overcome the bias of which his own remarks are seen as the most harmful expression. What a pathetic chump Summers has turned out to be. He should have resigned rather than go along with a step that makes his name forever synonymous with craven cowardice.

Oh, the Crimson also reminds us that it’s the first year anniversary of the legalization of same-sex “marriage” in Massachusetts.
Which, by the way, was an aftermath of the U.S. Supreme Court’s notorious decision in Lawrence v. Texas. This is a day for Lawrences: Lawrence of Arabia, Lawrence Summers, Lawrence v. Texas.
Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 19, 2005 10:38 AM | Send

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