L-dotters have an actual disagreement for once, about Laura Bush

It’s a shame the threads at Lucianne.com only stay online for a couple of days, as some are worth preserving. The discussion about Laura Bush’s vulgar remarks at the White House Correspondents’ dinner is a case in point. The great majority of the L-dotters defend her and mock the editor of The American Spectator for finding fault with her, repeatedly telling him to “lighten up” and making other dismissive remarks. However, a distinct minority of the L-dotters are distinctly unhappy with Laura and with her knee-jerk defenders. Here’s a good comment:

We can’t fuss about the decline of our culture with one side of the mouth while we shout “lighten up” with other side.

And then this:

LDotters, I expect better of y’all. Most of you are so smart and funny that I find myself coming here for the most original comments and laughs of the day. But ‘lighten up’ is neither. It’s what people when they don’t have an argument.

Then there is this sensible comment:

I grew up on a farm and all that, but I have to say the mental image of our Prez with his hands on the not-so-private parts of a horse was a bit creepy.

But more typical are the Kool-Aid drinkers on other side, the jihadist Bush worshippers, the inhabitants of dar al-Bush, for whom the Bushes are identical with goodness itself. Thus:

Laura will have to tell a worse horse joke to get my jockies in a wad! She could walk naked down Penn Ave and still be a total class act!

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 03, 2005 05:41 PM | Send

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