About Laura Bush: Is there any there, there?

This is a disrespectful question, but there’s no way to soften it, so I’ll just come right out and ask it. Has anyone ever seen Laura Bush do or say anything that was of any interest whatsoever? Does she have any qualities that make it worthwhile paying attention to her as a person, apart from her being a nice, well-turned-out lady who is married to the president, a woman who puts out liberal cultural messages (for example, her constant wearing of pants in public, and, this past week, her stupidly risqué and tasteless performance at the White House Correspondents’ dinner), and the all-too indulgent mother of two incredibly spoiled and nasty daughters? I for one don’t see them. Mrs. Bush always strikes me as utterly bland and plastic. When I watch her speak, apart from her professionally pleasant demeanor, I get nothing coming off her, no sense of anything going on inside her, of an interesting human being. Which leaves me wondering why so many people on the right are so crazy about her. Am I missing something here?

It’s similar to the question whether I’m missing something with Condoleezza Rice, a person who, it seems to me, has one thing going for her, her crisp, professional yet “cute,” almost iconic appearance, but who on matters of substance is a smug mediocrity with nothing in her mind except Bushite platitudes. What is it about these vacant Bush women that so wows the right? Let me know.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 03, 2005 08:13 AM | Send

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