Terri and America

I have nothing new to say at the moment about the Terri Schiavo saga, except that it’s incredibly depressing. The thought that a duly constituted court has ordered Terri Schiavo to be killed, and that a substantial number of the American people, even a majority, support the court’s decision and want her to die—and that they want her to die despite the fact that she’s plainly responsive and her eyes are expressive, despite the fact that her parents and siblings love her and want to take care of her, and despite the fact that her only family member who wants her to die is her creepy, estranged husband—makes me feel sick all over. It’s as though America had become an alien, European country. I mean “European,” of course, not in the historical, Christian, nationalist, bourgeois, and class-conscious sense, but in the contemporary sense of a people who are soulless and dead, a people who, despite their love of comforts, hate existence, a people who hate existence because they hate God.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 22, 2005 08:02 PM | Send

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